Legal issues within the education sector can arise at any time and affect anyone – teachers, parents, Boards, private and public establishments – so they need to be managed and resolved as efficiently as possible.

Our experience and knowledge across the education system enables us to work through issues and problems promptly, minimising impact on those involved. Because we stay focused on achieving the right outcome – not just moving through legal processes – we can reach the best resolution for our clients.

How can we help?

We help people through situations they are struggling with, ranging from children with special needs who aren’t getting their entitlements, to problems facing Boards of Trustees such as employment issues and compliance requirements. We also represent teachers in Teaching Council investigations.

Who is this service for?

We help, advise and serve individuals, school Boards of Trustees, education institutions, students, parents and volunteers. Regardless of the conflict at hand, we serve to help everyone through it – COVID-19 related questions included – efficiently and affordably.

Work we’ve done

We’ve helped tertiary institutions, primary and secondary schools. We have represented every kind of teacher from ECE teachers to University lecturers. Teachers who have fallen foul of the Teaching Council regularly come to us seeking advice and guidance. We stand for many special needs children dealing with problems at school, and we commonly work through situations where the Ministry of Education has refused ORS or other funding.

FAQ – We assist with

Students – Suspension and exclusion from school; enrolment problems; special needs not being met.
Teachers, Principals and other staff – Employment problems; “Performance and Guidance” processes; Teaching Council issues.
School Boards of Trustees – Underperforming Principals; staffing issues; mandatory reporting; complaints from parents.
Tertiary institutions – Problems with NZQA; legal opinions; assistance with regulatory requirements.

Speak to our team…

We’re here for you – whatever the problem unfolding within the education sector, you can rely upon our team to help you through.

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