No workplace is exempt from legal issues, which affect both employers and employees. Problems can present across the board, regardless of company size or industry. These include . . .

Negotiating and interpreting employment agreements

Restructurings and redundancies
Performance issues

Relationship problems and personal grievances

Disciplinary matters
Compliance with Holidays Act, Wages Protection Act, and other statutes
Health and Safety

Whether you’re facing the unexpected, or it’s business as usual, it’s peace-of-mind to have trusted, reliable and affordable legal expertise for everyone to turn to.

Are you an employer seeking
legal guidance?

Are you an employee wanting legal advice on
a workplace or employment issue?

How can we help?

Our team collectively delivers workplace and employment law expertise. Our focus is on solving problems before they escalate – 90% of our cases are resolved without going to court. We provide advice and guidance on all restructuring, redundancy and minimum entitlement issues, we work through performance management and disciplinary processes, help with confusing compliance requirements, and provide representation for personal grievance and restraint of trade matters. Whatever the issue, we have a hand in it.

Who is this service for?

We represent employers and employees across all workplaces, trades, and sectors. Our expertise resolves issues across the board, including sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination and unjustified dismissals. Our mission is straightforward – to get you out of the situation with the best outcome for you.

Reach out to us…

No one should have to face legal challenges alone. We provide top level expertise with realistic fees because we’re for people – not just for pocket. Reach out to our team . . .

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